Saturday, May 16, 2009

Dropped the Ball!

Sofia in her "Victorian" nightgown

Mommy and Sofia

I have completely dropped the ball on this blog thing. I've good intentions of keeping it updated but for some reason I just can't find the time. It's that Facebook thing. It can suck the life out of you or rather eat up time. Hopefully, I'll get better. Promise! I'm also having a hard time with my background. I've spent hours trying to figure out the banner part of it. I'm not happy with the one I have.

Last night Sofia started walking all over the place. She was sooo tired and kept standing up and walking around the room from place to place. Then this morning it was like she forgot. She took maybe one step at a time today before getting on her hands and knees. She is definitely not in a hurry.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Hair Bow's and things

Wow, Sofia gained 9 oz in 1 week!! The average weight gain for a baby her age is 1-3oz/wk and she gained more than a newborn!!! She is certainly making up for lost time. Yesterday I took Sofia and Ryan for a flu shot. Sofia did fabulous. She cried a wee bit when the fluid went in but her big brother kept her occupied and mostly laughing while playing peek a boo with her. I dosed her with tylenol before we went and so she was happy for the rest of the night. Lately Sofia has decided 6 am is a good time to wake up. We moved the playpen into our room so that I can put her in it with the night light on so she can play while I try to catch more sleep. So far I haven't gone back to sleep because I'm mesmorized by watching her play with her toys and chat. She's such a cutie! Speaking of cutie she just woke up and we are heading off to mom and me exercise class. Her is a picture with her wearing her first hair bow! The wet shirt is due to drinking a glass of water after dinner. She still dribbles while drinking.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Couldn't wait to share....

Okay, I couldn't stand not posting at least ONE updated picture of Sofia and her big brother. So here it is. This picture is probably two months old but at least you get to see how much she has grown.

Been awhile....

Okay, so it's been quite some time since I've last updated my blog. There are two reasons for this. First of all, I find uploading pictures onto blogspot to be tedious and slow. Secondly, I have started to blog all about Sofia on another blog spot. Yes, I know I'm cheating on the official blogspot but it looked so much easier to blog on this other site than here and it was....until I realized they won't allow me to add videos unless I pay a monthly fee AND I can only upload so many photos before my 'account' is full. So I think I'm going to come back here to blogspot very soon and start updating my page. It will likely jump from 'little Sofia' pictures to 'bigger Sofia' pictures. So don't be alarmed that she grew from the wee tyke in Daddy's chair to a bigger wee tyke.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Sofia is fattening up here. She is relaxing in her Daddy's chair.

I just LOVE this photo! It's one of Sofia's earliest pictures of her smile. She looks so skinny in this photo as she must weigh approx. 5lbs here.

We are back home now. This is the day of Jaeden's service. I look pretty tired in this photo.

Sofia is going home! Or at least to Easter Seal House.

My first cuddle with Jaeden. He is not well and would only live about another week. I held him for four hours straight without a break as I knew I might not get another chance.

Sofia's hand next to her Daddy's. I think her hands are pretty big compared to other preemies

Thursday, March 06, 2008

One week old

Jaeden around 1 week old. Jaeden was born with Down Syndrome, an atrial ventricular septal defect, Hydrops and Luekemia. The doctors told us he had a less than 10% chance of survival. We chose to deliver early not because I was in labour but because Jaeden would have been stillborn had we not delivered when we did.

Jaeden on the ventilator

So many lines for such a small baby.

Sofia being cradled by her Daddy The circle next to her eyes was for her "sun glasses" that protected her eyes from the bili lights. She also had an IV for about the first 10 days.

Sofia being cradled by her Mommy

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Twins Arrive Early

Photobucket Sofia Jenae 4lb 4 oz (1945g)

Photobucket Jaeden Marc 4lb 14 oz


This was taken 1 week before the babies arrived. Who knew how much my life would change a week later.